イネス・ド・ラ・フレサンジュ(Ines de la Fressange, 1957年8月11日~)

Ines de La Fressange
Ines de La Fressange became the first model to sign an exclusive modeling contract with a fashion house, Chanel. It is said that the term supermodel was first used for her.
She was born to a French nobleman, and his wife, an Argentine model and she has her natural elegance.
It was inevitable that La Fressange with European classical elegance became the face of a long-established brand in France.
She initially did not intend to be a model in earnest.
She had a fashionable grandmother who dressed her haute couture dresses etc since she was a teenager, but she hoped to be a child psychologist or a lawyer in the future, so she just became a model as a part time job.
However, when she first appeared in the cover of the fashion magazine ELLE in 1975, she attracted attentions quickly and became Karl Lagerfeld's muse immediately.
After all, she became a full-time model and had appeared in the advertising campaign for Chanel as Lagerfeld's muse until the end of the 1980s.
In 1989, La Fressange and Lagerfeld had an argument and she left Chanel.
However, after reconciliation in a few years, she has established a good relationship with Lagerfeld.
Even now, at the age of 55, she has appeared on the show as a model, and worked as a fashion consultant under the leadership of Jean Paul Gaultier. She has been still successful in the fashion industry.
- ガブリエル・シャネルの生家
- 孤児院時代
- 修道女学校にて
- 洋品店での仕事
- 愛称「ココ」
- バルサン邸での生活
- 帽子事業とアーサー・カペル
- 事業拡大、ファッションデザインへ
- 戦時中のファッション
- カペルとの別離
- 芸術家との親交
- 香水「No.5」の成功
- ラ・ギャルソンヌ La Garconne
- ウェストミンスター公爵
- ライバルたち
- アメリカ進出とポール・イリブ
- 従業員のストライキから引退へ
- 逮捕から亡命生活へ
- カムバック
- ココの最期